Being Molested on the Tube Today by Six Youths


As I was going home on the Tube after The Royal Opera House and Hyde Park in the Rose gardens, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked around. There was no one there. I ignored it. Then it happened again. I looked at the woman walking next to me. She was looking at me but as soon as I turned my head she looked away and walked on. Then, I felt the tap again a few moments later. And this time I caught the prankster. It was a youth dressed in the boring black that is the horrible uniform of all of these people in this country and demonstrates their sickening conformity.

I told this young man off even though he had five other youths with him. All of them towered above me at six and a half feet. I did not care. Because I won’t let a stranger touch me whenever they want because I have self-respect. Because the only honourable thing is to stand up to these disgusting people that want to ruin someone’s day by invading their personal space and agitating them after a day’s work. He smiled insolently in my face. He stood next to me on the escalator down, smiling all the way. When we came off the escalator, I told off all the other ones too because they were accusing each other and hiding in their group like the little cowards that they were.

Everyone walking with us walked quickly away leaving me alone by myself with the youths. What do you expect from the people in London and this society? No one will ever help you. That’s why you have to fight your own battles.

The pretended to say sorry – because they were little cowards. Then, as I walked away, one of them tapped me on the shoulder again. I ignored it. I walked off. They all laughed. They thought that they had won.

They hadn’t won. All that had happened was that there was nothing else to do without resorting to violence. Because in this country, the law does not protect you. It can only punish you if you react according to how a honourable man should in that situation. The law protects the cowards.

I got home and told someone what happened and she was scared. About what? They are cowards. They can’t stand up to a real man. And what if something had happened? There is a principle involved. I don’t care how many there are. In the end, I was satisfied with my behaviour.

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