Finding Hope in the World – A True Story


At one time in my life, I had a long term illness. I am talking about years. The people I loved the most had left me. Two of them had died. So, I suffered. I was very sick. Because of the medication and the results of that illness, I put on weight. I would lie in bed until two o’clock in the afternoon. And only get up because my mother made me. I gave up studying, gym, reading, writing. I didn’t bathe or shave. I didn’t care what I looked like or anything else. I didn’t care what anyone thought about me. I had given up hope.

The worst thing was not fitting into my trousers. I love clothes. Now, I was fat. And nothing fit me. The weight and inactivity led to other problems in my legs.

Sometimes, I would daydream about getting back to fitness. I have been known for my muscles throughout my life since I was a teenager because I am naturally muscular. I would daydream about being in the swimming pool again. Running again. Being in work again. I wanted to be myself again. But I never did anything about it.

Mostly, I had nightmares.

I had the lowest view of humankind. I didn’t expect anything from anyone. I didn’t want to meet new people. All they did was disappoint you and betray you.

Hope was gone. How did hope return in my life?

One day, I had a dream. It was one of those dreams where you are actually awake and rational. But you are still caught up in a hallucination. A lucid dream. God – the western god – and the Devil were arguing over my studies.

God said that he did not approve of my studies and that he was happy that I had quit. However, the Devil was my biggest supporter. He was arguing with the Western god for the love of me. He said that I was right. God said that no one would believe me. The Devil said that what I was saying was the truth and that you cannot deny the truth. God said No. The Devil said Yes.

I was trying to make up my mind whether to go or to give up. And then, suddenly, the Devil laughed. And then my mind laughed hysterically. And then the decision was made. Hope had come back. The power came flooding back.

Even though I didn’t exercise at first, all of the weight dropped off. By itself. I have always been naturally thin. My mind came back just like that even though I hadn’t done anything academic for years and years. I completed my PhD and got it published as a book. I started volunteering again. I started having ambitions again.

Inside your mind, you have the biggest supporter. Yourself. The Devil was me. God was the doubter. The Devil is the most noble personality in the Bible – by himself he goes against the powers that are. He is restless for recruits, for the revolution against what is. I am not a Christian. I do not worship the Devil either. But I am for the Revolution.

When you fall, it can be hard getting up. It may seem impossible. But there is something inside that won’t let you stay down. It might take years. But then the lightning will course through your body. And then, one more time, you will believe.

Thank the Devil.

What is Sadness? Or Disappointment in Love.


disappointment in love

the beast felt the rain of tears
down his throat
the beast felt the sword
in his heart
through his coat
once more
the beast felt
what the other heart smote

An awful emptiness consumes your chest and stomach. You feel tired and lifeless. You swallow. You don’t need water but you have a sensation that is like thirst. You are not hungry but you have a sensation of hunger. Your eyes hurt. There is no excitement. There is an awful silence everywhere. You can’t concentrate properly. Nothing seems worth it. There is no hope in anything. You force yourself to do things. You try to regain your positive grasp on the universe. It doesn’t come back into your hands. You feel insignificant. Rejected. Worthless. Alone. Alone forever. What is the point? Meaninglessness is what surrounds you.

This is what sadness feels like. This is what disappointment in love feels like.

Every morning, you try to struggle out of bed. You have to force yourself eventually to make sure that you are not late for work. You are so tired. You want to sleep forever. But you really can’t sleep that much at all. You can’t forget your disappointments. You can’t forget that you are alone. You can’t forget that you have no hope. There is nothing that you can do to change your situation. Everything that you have done has failed. You are a failure. You have failed in the most important thing. The one that you love is not with you. She is going to be with someone else. She might be with someone else right now. They say it is a bitter pill to swallow – this is what it physically tastes and feels like. It is like you are trying to swallow poison, the poison of this hard, apathetic, unloving, unfeeling world.

The motivation for everything goes. Discipline slowly corrodes away into nothing. Your dream of love which has kept you going all your life is being destroyed. It is what gave meaning to your life. You know that you will never be happy. You are certain of one thing: that you will always be unhappy.

Around you, you know that everyone else is getting love. The reason you are not getting it – what does it matter? It is the unfairness of the situation that is the worst thing. If you weren’t Indian. If you were exactly the same, but not Indian. Then, you would have had love. It is the unhappiness of injustice.

Again and again, the same fantasy creeps into your head. You watch yourself hanging from the gallows. Swaying in the wind. You keep on imagining putting your head in the noose and tightening it. The sweet release of death. An end to your misery.

But, you would never do it. Because in your culture, it is an act of cowardice. And perhaps, this is the essence of this sadness and this disappointment in love. There is a small kernel of resilience within it. Now matter how bad things get, you will keep on going. Because she might not have loved you yesterday. She might not love you today. But she might love you tomorrow. And maybe, if she never loves you at all, past, present and future, maybe someone else might love you.

So the kernel at the bottom of everything, the survivor behind it all, is the deluded fool, the irrational, the mad, the dreamer. The one that believes that somehow, in this cold and hard world, somehow you will get love. Despite the fact that you are an Indian man in a white society where you are not worthy of love, no matter what you achieve, do, think, no matter how much you love someone.

So this is what sadness is and what disappointment in love is. You live even though you don’t want to live and you dream of dying. And you are dead. You are a living corpse.

The Artistic Failures of a Mr. Nobody


A little while back, I read an article in a newspaper, possibly the Guardian, about a writer who had never made it and had never been published. The novels that this man had dedicated his life to, forgoing employment and the material things of life, were described as “execrable”, or some such choice word. Here was a Mr. Nobody who produced “artistic failures”. No one wanted to publish his writing. No one wanted to read his writing. Yet, day after day, Mr. Nobody sat at his desk and pushed out the words.

Mr. Nobody could be anyone. There are thousands of people in the same position: writers, poets, artists, singers and musicians. Certainly, Mr. Nobody is myself. One wonders, though, how Mr. Nobody can bear his numerous disappointments and the miscarriages of his babies in the world. Today I want to write a little piece about this artistic failure and disappointment. I regard artistic failure as a lack of recognition. The reader will forgive this narcissistic exploration. Chekov wrote that it is only a mediocre novelist that goes on and on about writing a novel, not the successful writer. So be it, yet even the mediocre novelist must have an opinion and reflect upon his or her failures and successes.

The story is a common one. After years of publishing creative work in student newspapers and magazines as a young man, I thought, optimistically, that the next step would surely be publication with a serious publisher. I expected the wider world to take note of what I had published in the student publications. I sent off my poetry to magazines and publishing houses like Faber and Faber. I tried to get my short stories published in American magazines. I applied for book reviewing and journalistic positions. The result? Rejection after rejection. Gradually, I stopped sending my stuff out to companies and applying for work. I published online, thus cutting off any potential revenue from my work. Now, my poetry was up on my blog and I found out that poetry publishers wouldn’t publish work that had already featured online. The amount of readers that I had could be counted on one hand. It was the same thing with my short stories and book reviews. I put the music that I had composed and sang to online. When it was my own original music, perhaps twenty people would listen to my songs at most. I took up art about two years ago and post work on my Instagram account. The work has generated zero income and I have never managed to go over seventy likes on a picture.

Having reached middle age, it is clear that I am an artistic failure. Like Mr. Nobody, my creative work has never been published, has never generated any revenue and is read, listened to and seen by only a small handful of people. I have not received real recognition for my work. Producing this creative work, which costs money and takes up time when I could be earning money is therefore something of Sisyphean enterprise. Like the Ancient Greek character, I push the boulder up the mountain every time I sit at my desk to produce anything and it never gets anywhere. How does a person bear the constant disappointment and frustration? How does he or she bear the indifference and apathy of the general public which would tend to suggest that these cultural productions are worthless?

These questions have been considered by creative thinkers in the past. I recently read a short story about the issue called “Enoch Soames” by Max Beerbohm which was first published in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (May 1916). Enoch is a poet who does not get the attention that he feels he deserves. His belief in his work, however, is undying. He therefore makes a pact with the devil to travel into the future because he is convinced that his work is ahead of its time and will be revered by future readers. He thus stakes his soul on his belief in his work since this is the devil’s fee. However, on arriving into the future, Enoch finds that he is still a Mr. Nobody. Beerbohm’s story reflects a somewhat delusional belief which keeps a Mr. Nobody going. Mr. Nobody believes that, if not today, then maybe tomorrow there will be the attention and the notice. Mr. Nobody lives in a strange world of time, chance and happening, much like the lottery ticket buyer. After all, Mr. Nobody has read the rubbish which is published everywhere and which is popular. He’s seen the hacks claiming the prime place in the affections of people. Mr. Nobody knows that it is a just a question of luck and the capricious and fickle whims of the public. It is not what is of value that is valued. What is of value is frequently discarded to the rubbish pile of history while that which is worthless is heralded as brilliant and daring. The darlings of the public are not infrequently mountebanks and monsters. Mr. Nobody therefore, irresistibly, inevitably, sets himself at defiance to the world. He stands in contempt of this world. This contempt hardens Mr. Nobody’s strict belief in himself. Mr. Nobody says to himself each and every morning “It does not matter if none believe in me. For I am only to believe in myself and everything will follow”.

After all, Mr. Nobody does not just model himself on Sisyphus, but also models himself on Cassandra. Cassandra was cursed to speak words of truth that none would believe. If her words of prophecy had been listened to and followed, Troy would not have fallen to the Greeks. Mr. Nobody believes in the value of what he expresses. If, one day, Mr. Nobody is to be recognised as someone who was saying something of value, then he believes it is the misfortune of others not to have heard his voice. Mr. Nobody believes that in frustrating his expression and his voice, which is only fully expressed in the presence of an audience, the public is hurting itself.

Such is the ego and the arrogance of a Mr. Nobody. Ego is the apt word because one thinks of how Sigmund Freud divided up the work of the different components of subjectivity. Ego would produce and produce. It had a limitless creativity and spontaneity. However, the superego guarded the gates of expression. It would sit in judgement of what ego had written and censor the material, not allowing certain things past the gate. Mr. Nobody is the ultimate version of the ego while the public, as ever, is the superego. Mr. Nobody wants ego to prevail and burst through every attempt at resistance. Mr. Nobody does not believe in “compromise”, the word that Sigmund Freud picked out for the repressive mechanism of the superego. And, one wonders, without the arrogance of the ego, would creative work be possible? In the creative work, the human being says “I am and I am beautiful”. The creative human being is not just arrogant but a narcissist. And where the creative being does not assert that claim, then, says Mr. Nobody, that creative being has failed. If creative work is not the expression of self, it is nothing. But what of it? For, of course, Mr. Nobody is neither published, read, or listened to. Where Mr. Nobody is concerned, the world blind and deaf. And these are the artistic failures of a Mr. Nobody.