Big Ego Boost; Pen Arrives; Serious Conversations; One Door Closes


To give you an idea of how many people read my blog posts: over 70 people have read my blog post on my fitness photographs. And it appears that the same readers are going back and reading the blog post over and over again.

It is going to be a busy week with friends and overtime this week. I signed up to a few shifts today over the weekend and just found out I’ve been put on one for Friday as well. I might have the Sunday off though – the whole day – to work on my university studies.

Serious Conversations Today:

– Talking about Albert Camus and Sisyphus with a new person in my life, as well as about his other novels.

– Talking about the mediocre education system in Great Britain which doesn’t reward merit, no matter how exceptional a scholar and student you are – what do you expect from this kind of society which never values learning for its own sake or ever values anything satisfactorily?

Good Deeds Today

– Gave someone a present. The last two times (I’m not including the one successful present giving recently in that for certain reasons) I bought a present for someone, I wasn’t able to give it to them because the situation changed. So it was a relief to be able to give it to them. The curse is broken.

The flowers my friend at volunteering gave me are poinsettias. They flame red in the area where i keep the flowers. I bought a cheap Kalanchoe as well – small white flowers.

A big ego boost today for a particular reason.

Had a good conversation with a visitor from Singapore. I was recommending things to do in London in terms of food. One recommendation I made was to go to Selfridge’s, do some shopping, and then get a gelato in the food court. I had one there once – I believe it was cherry cheesecake flavour. It was literally one of the most amazing things I have ever tasted in my life. I have to find some time to go there again.

The award pen has finally arrived! So excited to feel it in my hands. My first one from that maker. I collect pens. Usually fountain pens, but this one is medium value so it is a ball pen which can be more useful and convenient. It has a lovely silvery finish to it and looks very elegant and sophisticated.

I got a cookies and cream cake at Marks and Spencer’s for a fiver. It tasted good. Dinner was exceptionally beautiful today. I tried some Marks and Spencer’s vanilla flavoured cola, made with natural ingredients. It was so fantastic – still thinking about the flavour. Cola was my favourite drink but I stopped drinking it because of all the sugar and the additives.

Finally found some time to read up on plants and biology for the gardens. It is a steep learning curve. But anything worth doing is a steep learning curve.

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